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1 researchok  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 4:44:51pm

Unfortunately, Boeing did the same.

Boeing Announces Big Layoffs in Defense Division

I do believe these layoffs have more to do with the general business climate rather than the political environment.

2 philosophus invidius  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 4:54:59pm

I guess this guy probably thinks we should eliminate the minimum wage. Job killer.

3 researchok  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 4:58:20pm

re: #2 philosophus invidius

Never underestimate the depth of the willing clueless.

4 philosophus invidius  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 5:02:53pm
Overall, the ACA brings a mixture of rules and benefits, but there is nothing to suggest that the healthcare shake up will hinder job creation and economic growth. In fact, it could inject order into the unruly medical marketplace if the administration explains benefits and requirements simply and clearly.


5 philosophus invidius  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 5:04:06pm
Economic researchers on a recent Georgetown University panel all agreed that Massachusetts’ small business owners were actually bolstered by health care reform, as the number of small businesses offering health care to their employees increased from 70 percent to 77 percent in the time since Romney enacted the reform in 2006.


6 Destro  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 6:09:55pm

re: #2 philosophus invidius

I think this is a lie - sort of right wing fantasy of what they wish they could do - especially when I hear the ones fired were all Hispanics because I am seeing these stories pop up all over the place like urban legends. Not the name of said business owner / business is anonymous.

Here is an almost identical story I posted:

Rightwing source claims Republican Business Owner Fires 8 Obama Supporting Employees Day After Election


7 calochortus  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 7:18:33pm
"David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

I wonder why he wouldn't say who he was, what his business does, or why he would want to reduce his capacity to do whatever it is that he does do before any of these horrible, business destroying regulations are enacted?

8 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 8:30:01pm

It's a bit drastic but I know how to deal with guys like this:


Surely we can find some functional specimens somewhere, put them aboard a sealed train with a suitcase full of money, and send them to Vegas. Just make sure their tracking collars are working. I don't want them running wild again.

9 Aligarr  Thu, Nov 8, 2012 8:53:34pm

He's not saying what kinda company , or employees , but most likely they are hispanic and he's screwing them anyway . But that's allright , Karma works ,Romney got his on Tuesday , this guy will get his. OR , it could just be another wingnut asshole , trying to show that the world's coming to an end because Obama got re-elected .

10 thecommodore  Fri, Nov 9, 2012 1:29:28am

The right has been claiming since the ACA came to fruition that the employer mandates would kills jobs, and there are rumors - or more than rumors - that many employers aren't going to allow hourly employees to work more than 30 hours per week (or full time as defined by the ACA), so they won't have to provide health insurance. I think the underlying rationale is that Obamacare is going to actually inflate health care costs, making the insurance impossible to afford, even with the tax breaks for it created by the ACA. I have only a hunch to believe this, but I think this is miles and miles of bullshit, because it's more than mom and pop businesses talking about doing this, it's major corporations, who have been raking in record profits since Obama (the socialist) came in and they don't want anything to threaten that.

The bastards!

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